
closing event

So i will be having a closing event for my photo show march 6th. This place is a neat little bar/restaurant right in the heart adorable Doylestown. I encourage any and all of you in the area to come out. There will be an after party at my friend's house with music and what not. Let me know if you're interested this place is a little hard to find.

overlapping of time

so  i took this photo a few weeks ago after painting on this piece of film i used long ago to make contact prints on metal sheets.  tell me if its crap, or something to maybe pursue.  i don't know, im really interested in the overlapping thing....



Everything is new. Nothing is new. We are all new. Everything is old.

self portrait

I just finished reading Diary by Chuck Palahniuk. My favorite line was "Everything is a self-portrait."



Hey everybody, we need your website links to post in the side column. So if you are interested please add them to this post.




What are we really?


this is a project i recently got into a gallery in NYC, ill be having a show in june or july....

Visualizing a girl on a cliff



We need more topics. There are several not listed on the site yet, but so far only three members have contributed topics. We want to know what everyone likes to shoot. So just comment on this post with your ideas.


hows about this one?

digital -Tucson -same house -my bro's house. i was getting dressed up for a bartending gig thought i'd document it. One of the photos on the wall is mine.

It's going to be difficult to post new images without the appropriate technology, But I will do my best.


So glad to see this activity!
Two things for everyone to remember:
Please include topic name in post label.
Read comments. Make your own. This is the lifeblood.

ef you guys

so here is my other version of this topic, it's actually the first response. so yeah i got over it and decided to do something equally passive aggressive, but a little more thought driven.

An image from the Self-Portrait outtakes. After I finished making the real photograph and put it together on the computer I looked at this one and almost liked it better. This is me trying to frame myself correctly for the real photo.

Self-Portrait #1
