
philly church

who knew that philadelphia had it's own church, and that it would be in uptown chicago? btw, in case you were wondering, jesus does, in fact, save.  what, i dont know. 


hey folks,
better late than never i suppose, here's some stuff i shot yesterday.  I guess it fits in w/ environment.  we'll see.. im thinking about doing a documentary based on north chicago vs. south chicago. apparently this is the most segregated city in the country, which i find intensely fascinating.  ill be posting stuff as i go.  



Apparently- naturally i'll have to go with Politics/Upcoming Election -which should be easy for anyone in the philly area. Sorry for the delay Sunday is my no internet day. Also today is the last chance to register as a voter in time for the Pa primary kids.
Get with it. Can you dig it? Yes we can!