
in argentina


K-dizzle said...

from photoshop to web this looks nothing like it should... bleh

janasaurus said...

this is very interesting. i dont really know how to critique this image though. i find that about most of your work.

K-dizzle said...

is it good or bad that you don't know how to critique it?

Noemi Armstrong said...

I am bothered by the cutting off of the statues head, yet the open hands, which I am drawn to (probably because the head is cut off), are a universal expression of accepting and nurturing qualities of spirituality.It seems like it's a "no photographs allowed" expression on your face. Then, I think your face isn't really giving anything away because of the personal nature of the subject. You could be surprised or angry or in mid-expression. I know you took the photo, but it seems as though you stumbled into it, like it's a mistake that you are there. That probably has more to do with the composition.

Drew Henry Tolbert said...

Yea I agree with the stumbling in part. - I think this is a movie still from your first music single. The camera follows you around closely on foot as you wander through a statue park and a courtyard. Its some early nineties alternative folk track. Sometimes you lip-sync or else you just make candid and painful faces. Its not a happy song.

Derek William McGregor said...

The amount of empty space on the left doesn't sit well with me. I am all for negative spaces, but I think because there are figures cut off from the top, bottom and right side, the left feels awkward in its emptiness. Your expression and blur I like, even if they also have a certain awkwardness to them.

Anonymous said...

I want to like this for the idea behind it... and your facial expression actually kind of interests me... but I feel like I keep getting bothered by things like the composition and the technical details. It feels very "photoshoppy" to me... While obviously I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to create an image this way... I don't feel like it works because the tools you used feel too obvious to me. Everything feels too blown out and too glowing and soft. (like the gaussian blur tool faded with the overlay filter or something) I'm not sure what exactly was done to the image if anything really at all... but it just doesn't seem to have that sense of technical cleanness or sophistication. Maybe I'm too picky about these things? I'd like to see different versions of this.

K-dizzle said...

thanks for the tips ill try some new edits