This poor, unsuspecting tree committed the offense of being there, so my boss' neighbor had it cut down today. It stood about 3 yards away from the studio/garage. Lots of wonderful noise.
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I love this shot...WITHOUT the top limb showing and only the rope leading in from the end of the frame!!
this shot is beautiful reminds me of those famous shots of the construction of skyscrapers in NYC with people floating over the city on i-beams.
Mimi, both you and my boss want to cut the branches out! I left them in on purpose.
Awesome bro - I don't get the title though, they made this excellent scene for you.
Drew, I had to work a few yard away from all their noise and we miss the tree. Damn tree service indeed.
I understand that you left them in on purpose...In my opinion, the composition would benefit from their removal.
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