

Mike Tolbert said...

shot about a week ago, fresh off the scanner. i've already made up my mind to re-shoot it, but figured some more feedback before that can't hurt.

Noemi Armstrong said...

I've been looking at this for a long time, Mike. I can't get past my interpretation of this as a baptism of sorts. What was your intention?

Anonymous said...

The look on your face is very gentle yet determined.

This and a lot of the work you had on display at mew reminds me of Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison.

janasaurus said...

yeah, im trying to wrap my brain around what you're doing. i see alot of symbolic stuff (or feels symbolic or should be or something). I keep thinking about being process orientated. i enjoy all the organic qualities. maybe your re shoot...

zach eggleston said...

a reshoot heavens why? I don't see anything wrong with it -if it's not what you were going for than that's something different -but i like the content and the placement it's very interesting and tonally it is lush and delicate. I don't feel i need to read into it. It seems like you are stranded somewhere maybe left behind on a space station for one reason or another and this is your only means of obtaining water and or food.

Anonymous said...

I'm moved by this one.

Fernando Gaglianese said...

I really love the concept. I see it as a man lovingly extracting something he desperately needs out of those plants. I assume you are unhappy with the gesture of your shoulders and neck -- it's the only thing that bothers me in the least. If you didn't have help to shoot it (with framing and releasing the shutter) you probably will need it to get more of what you want. Otherwise it is striking as usual.

Noemi Armstrong said...

I saw Mike as representing earth. The wrapped wrists and wet hair seemed really important to me. The holding of the cup made me think of dependency and support. The purification of water and the wet hair made me think of baptism.

Drew Henry Tolbert said...

I think this one succeeds at making a believable and practical contraption, where a couple of your previous items have not resolved the lab-experiments quite as well. The way those plants weave about is the best addition. Mimi makes a good point about the wet hair. As a self-portrait I want to see a little more of you and the background/table obscured even more.