
this is me if i were to be represented on a sticker, stuck to a post, slightly looking down in some small town.


zach eggleston said...


NJG said...

to my 'boo', could you find it in you to perhaps elaborate a bit more on the response?

Derek William McGregor said...

I feel as though you (in your picture) feel you are too cool for school. You better get out of that small town. I am more interested in the framing, and how the power lines and the blue sign create some great shapes and divisions within the frame. I am a little biased, being in love with power lines at the moment, but the picture has still been growing on me. A little curious about your desire to defy the self-portrait assignment...but then again, we have all seen enough of you anyway...:)

zach eggleston said...

Well, entirely in a spirit of lightheartedness, i thought the "boo" was self explanatory, the picture is a cop out. Come on. \
Unlike D W McGregor i don't know what "we.are." looks like. Not that that is the purpose of the assignment.

janasaurus said...

yeah, the visual space itself in interesting, but i want there to be a photo of you on the pole.

satisfy my needs.


Drew Henry Tolbert said...

I assume that isn't an actual image of you(?) I'm open to interpretation of the assignment, in fact I urge our members to re-evaluate what self-portrait is or any other topic we discuss. ...except we don't know who.you.are. Dilemma. Keep your anonymity all you like, soon enough we'll figure it out.

Noemi Armstrong said...

This only clues me into who you wish you were, maybe. If that isn't you, I feel deceived...and now, I'm bored.

Anonymous said...

I find myself equally amused and annoyed but that keeps me interested. The emphasis on anonymity and obscurity is a little too much… but then it also kind of makes a quirky statement that relates very well to the image. I see a false sense of ego and the desire to find some sense of escape from the mundane that is your every day life and self. It makes me think about the social games we all play.

I don’t know…

Graphically I think this is a very strong image. It’s very dynamic. I like the way my eye travels around the image… the foreground and background equally draw me in and out and are almost of equal importance to me.

Derek William McGregor said...

This is Nick Gannon...we.are. is registered to his e-mail. My statement about having seen enough of Nick comes from his "Suffocation" body of work where the photos were printed very large. Funny though, because in those pictures, it was all Nick, but still hard to tell.

K-dizzle said...
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K-dizzle said...

I think this photo is interesting... but I just think it is sooo not telling in the least, which I think you go in and out of. Between being really revealing and questioning who you are so maybe it is telling- but the only thing it is telling me is that you're unsure.
It's a process.