
more "random" photographs


janasaurus said...

random is a working title. i have trouble with commitment. especially when it comes to frame shape. is it weird to have both square and rectangle within one body of work?

Noemi Armstrong said...

Do you have a problem with commitment or are you willing to experiment? Nothing is weird, if you can make it work...then it just works. I think that "random" can work as a title if you stand it on its head...make it completely unrelatable to the work. Play with the fact that noone with a working brain wants to hear this word or catch themselves saying it. It's as bad as "cute".

Drew Henry Tolbert said...

See, this isn't random either. It's very Jana and that's good. The images are good. Because they aren't random. Or cute.

Fernando Gaglianese said...

I'm still not having an issue with the word "random." More importantly, I'm also still loving these pictures.

Noemi Armstrong said...

The quality of the work is not in question. This is the Title discussion, again.