
Auschwitz I

These are from the original camp at Auschwitz, Auschwitz II - Birkenau and Auschwitz III (which is no longer there) were built because the first camp could not accomodate anymore prisoners.


Derek William McGregor said...

I like the idea of the inside/outside comparisons in the bottom two images, but I don't think they work for me. I think it would need a slightly more dramatic difference between the two sides of the wall. Of course we are dealing with stark reality here, and you can't exactly create what isn't really there.

On the other hand, I love the evocative nature of the top image. Those trees in the background are so creepy...I would love to see a picture of just them alone. I like how scary and obscene the stage is in the center. It is just horrifying to think of what took place there.

Fernando Gaglianese said...

I can't say that I was thinking about making a comparison when I decided to shoot through the open gate on the first image. I'm always thinking about how make the image feel like a scene has been set and the viewer can step directly into the picture frame. To me it was just a way to define the space and also give it some depth. Having said that -- there is only so much time when you are part of a large group and the guide is ready to move to the next area, all these decisions where made quicker than I wanted to make them. It would have been nice to be able to use a tripod and thinking about everything more. None of this is possible when you are somewhere as a tourist.