An image from the Self-Portrait outtakes. After I finished making the real photograph and put it together on the computer I looked at this one and almost liked it better. This is me trying to frame myself correctly for the real photo.
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I like this one perhaps better too but it's a different take on the assignment more than it's a better photo.
Ironically by showing less of you it shows more of who you are. I think it shows your humor -not necessarily an easy thing to show in a photo and that ability is important in a portrait -to show personality.
I think this one is the real derek. the other one is derek taking himself too seriously.
I love your boxers too. the shot just feels honest to me.
this one has an intensity that the other one was trying to achieve, ironic how that happens eh?
Completely agree with you guys about this one. After seeing it it made me feel silly about my intentions for the original photo (the trying to be serious stuff). But it is ironic, because I wouldn't have had this moment without going through the process of getting the original shot.
I had set up my little digital point and shoot on the stairs and ran in front of the camera, trying to get my placement correct. I never even thought about the camera actually taking a picture. It was so entirely and purely for documentary purposes that I wasn't concerned about "making a picture."
And that plaid stuff is a shirt I had on under my sweater, not my underwear. I can't believe how long that shirt is.
The vacuum in the bottom left is appropriate: This picture sucks. Kidding. I like that you pointed out the process. It took a different shoot to make this one and the inclusion of the camera was purposeful.
The light effects on the wall behind you are extra cool - all sloppy and uneven, with the repeated shadow. It breaks up the scene and makes inclusion of the other objects acceptable. It is actually much more satisfying than the pseudo-studio clean background.
I do like this one better. I go right for the eyes, it doesn't really matter what else is happening in the composition.
It makes me smile because it feels awkward and honest. I think the vacuum handle in the corner and the sloppy way your plaid shirt hangs out of your sweater help accomplish this.
I just wish the lighting was better.
Yeah, if the lighting was better though, then this would have been a posed picture. It wasn't. It was just me utilizing the digital camera to make sure the actual photo shoot would come out right. That is the problem with this image, we can't over analyze it the same way we can with the others, because it was never meant to be a picture.
I disagree with you saying it was never meant to be a picture and therefore you cant analyze it the same.
You often appear to be a very calculated person but I think you are quite awkward and just because you didn't plan for this to be the photograph you thought out in your head doesn't mean it can't be analyzed. So this is what Derek looks like when he's not trying to calculate something... isn't that really you too?
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