The Photographic Medium is a forum designed to promote the production and discussion of photography. The contributors to this dialogue will propose their own topics and contemplate others. This is a composite of its members' talents and a venue for creative output and artistic theory.
I wish your back and right profile were lit better or i should say with more light or more even light. But i like it it's very stark and simple and vulnerable. What did you shoot with please?
this is the new add for some kinda emo tight jeans company.
at a store near you.
I shot it with a leica and tmax film. I agree about the lighting...not exactly how I had envisioned it, but I was alone and there was a bit of guess work as to how it was going to turn out. I wanted the back to be jagged lighting because I thought it would work well with the tree, so I guess I feel OK about it. The profiles, however, were a bit tougher to get right.
Oh, and I was wearing corduroys not jeans...Jana.
Derek, we really dig the tattoo, OK?
Maybe your new found love for powerlines is a better avenue for self expression. Whatever you feel passionate about is going to be a reliable expression of who you are at that moment. I don't hate it, but I'm just not feelin' it.
This one time I committed an act that was seen by some as not social acceptable. Therefore I was taken down town and fingerprinted, cavity searched, booked, and most importantly photographed. Photographed for the records, for all to see me.
This quadrigraph image is in limbo, it has the components of a scientific study; exposes the sitter in four simple angles, revealing the 3-d of a person on a 2-d surface, the sitter is topless furthermore reveling scars and tattoos (mug-shoot) but it has romantic qualities; a b/w image, the moody lighting.
I feel like you need to be careful of this feeling a bit cliché. I’m going back and forth about whether or not I feel like you are trying too hard to look serious in the upper left image. The images on the right don’t do enough for me. I think the lighting could be better and the poses feel not quite interesting enough.
Of the four I am starting to like the lower left the best. I like that you are facing the over-exposed patch of light on the wall and how the shape of the light seems to almost be in direct proportion to your torso. Your posture also feels a bit tense which makes it the most interesting for me as well.
In general though, I think it could be a lot more creative.
are you the next Usher?
I really like the bottom right photograph of your back. I think it's interesting that the only one we can not see your face at all is the most telling. it seems very uncertain and uncomfortable and maybe it is because you aren't sure about the lighting or what have you. But by being completely turned around you are the most vulnerable by allowing people to judge you not on who you are by the identity a face can give, but what you choose to put on your body. It seems that your hands are the most interestingly positioned as well, as if they may be on the top of your thighs which makes it feel tense. Well... I really like that one a lot. Also, I think the lighting is quite fitting for this particular photograph.
I agree that the bottom-right image is the most interesting. I think as a portrait that could stand on its own and be stronger than the four together.
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