so i took this photo a few weeks ago after painting on this piece of film i used long ago to make contact prints on metal sheets. tell me if its crap, or something to maybe pursue. i don't know, im really interested in the overlapping thing....

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I love mixed media. I think you're definitely on to something, Jana. More! The primary colors are really engaging and I love the concept, but I'm not sure it's that clear.
if you enjoy it if you are excited about it -explore away
ok so im thinking that i might need to use different paint that way it is very flat and maybe not so "painterly" if i can make smooth shapes of color that might work, i dont know.
I really like the use of the primary colors, just less or more, maybe. Glimpses or outlines or washes. Your work overlaps, but the colors don't, there's a permanence that offers a comforting contradiction to the idea of impermanence and change. balance. Not that it needs it, just a thought.
You should check out the Sande Webster gallery, 2006 Walnut str. They have pieces hanging that are about overlapping and on metal. Could be very good, for some more ideas.
Keep Going!
I think this will take a lot of guess and check work; as in go with your instinct, make some pieces and think about it later. Keep adding elements find different ways to apply the layers and colors. I enjoy that you can see all the creation in this piece, except for the hand coloring. The fact that you can see the scribbles is a little bothersome to me. But I could change my mind with a different treatment. This kind of work really becomes evident after excessive repetition and alteration. You can easily go back to a piece after a week or so and redo it. If you think of them as paintings, they may be items that take months to complete.
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